The Fabb and Halle’s Theory of Meter in Poetry and the Latvian Dainas

  • Kristīne Konrāde Boston Dainas Project, Riga, Latvia


I have chosen to illustrate the application of Fabb and Halle’s theory of meter in poetry with expressions about ravens that are formulas from three different oral poetic traditions. They represent the epics from the Balkans, English ballads and Latvian narrative and lyric dainas. Let it be the beginning for the exploration of commons aspects of formulae that go well beyond metrics.


Данные скачивания пока не доступны.


Ancītis, Krišjānis. 1944. Tautas dziesmu daktili [The dactylic folk songs]. Latvju
Mēnešraksts 6: 440–447.
Bērziņš, Ludis. 1959. Ievads latviešu tautas dzejā. [Introduction to Latvian folk
poetry]. Chicago: Čikāgas baltu filologu kopa.
Delić, Lidija. 2015. Poetic Grounds of Epic Formulae. Epic Formula. A Balkan
Perspective, Mirjana Detelić and Lidija Delić (eds.). Belgrade: Institute for
Balkan studies SASA: 13–41.
Detelić, Mirjana. 2015. Generic Lacuna in the Epic Poems Using the Fog Formula.
Epic Formula. A Balkan Perspective, Mirjana Detelić and Lidija Delić (eds.).
Belgrade: Institute for Balkan studies SASA: 235–254.
Fabb, Nigel and Morris Halle. 2008. Meter in Poetry: A New Theory. Cambridge
University Press.
Loma, Aleksandar. 2015. Two Black Ravens. Corvus Corax in Slavic Epics – a
Comparative Outlook. Epic Formula. A Balkan Perspective, Mirjana Detelić
and Lidija Delić (eds.). Belgrade: Institute for Balkan studies SASA: 83–109.
Lord, Albert B. 1976. The Singer of Tales. New York: Atheneum.
Lord, Albert B. 1989. Theories of Oral Lieterture and the Latvian Dainas. In
Linguistics and Poetics of Latvian Folk Songs, ed. Vaira Vīķis-Freibergs, 35–48.
Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Melngailis, Emilis. 1951. Latviešu mūzikas folkloras materiāli, 1. sēj. [Materials of
Latvian musical folklore, Vol. 1]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība.
Ozols, Arturs. 1961. Latviešu tautasdziesmu valoda [The language of the Latvian folk
songs]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība.
Zaube, Jānis. 1960. Par kvantitātes nozīmi latviešu tautasdziesmu ritmā [On the
role of quantity in the rhythm of Latvian folk songs]. In Inhonorem Endzelini, ed
E. Hauzenberga-Šturma, 132–137. Chicago: Čikāgas baltu filologu kopa.
Zeps, Valdis J. 1989. Metric Tendencies of the Latvian Folk Trochee. In Linguistics and Poetics of Latvian Folk Songs, ed. Vaira Vīķis-Freibergs, 247–257. Kingston
and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
(Including those in digital form)
Barons, K. and H. Wissendorffs. 1894–1915. Latwju dainas. Vol. I, Jelgawa: DrawinDrawneeks. Vol. II–VI, Peterburga: Ķeizariskā zinību akadēmija. Almost all the
content of this anthology has been digitized and mantained by the Latvian
Folklore Archives, and it is available on the Internet:
Boston Dainas Project (Valdis Bērziņš, Kristīne Konrāde, Guntis Strazds). The result
of this project is the digital version of the 12-volume anthology Latviešu tautas
dziesmas, 1952–1956,Imanta: Copenhagen. Edited: A. Švābe, K. Straubergs, E.
Hauzenberga-Šturma. Not yet on the Internet.
Как цитировать
Konrāde, K. (2019). The Fabb and Halle’s Theory of Meter in Poetry and the Latvian Dainas. Филологические заметки, 13(1), 215-228. извлечено от
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