Družina in družba v romanu Gnoj Wojciecha Kuczoka

  • Ana Žabkar Šalić University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: polish novel, family, family saga, narrator, tradicional values


Wojciech Kuczok in his novel Gnoj portrays a new image of a family, which is dominated by twisted interpersonal relationship, the most clearly exspressed by violence of the father towards his son. Kuczok uses inovative composition and thoughtful process of the genre of family saga and the use of style of reportage to represent narrator, trapped in the trauma of his childhood. Intimate story presents a different point of view towards Polish society and its atributes.


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Nikolaj Jež: Literatura v prepletu z resničnostjo. V: Wojciech Kuczok: Gnoj.
Radovljica: Didakta 2009. 145–151.
Maria Janion: Niesamowita Słowiansczcyzna. Fantazmaty Literatury. Krakov:
Wydawnictwo Literackie 2007.
Dariusz Kulesza: Polska proza po Gnoju. Kuczok, Czerwinski, Sieniewicz i inni.
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Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2007.
How to Cite
Žabkar Šalić, A. (2019). Družina in družba v romanu Gnoj Wojciecha Kuczoka. Philological Studies, 13(1), 255-266. Retrieved from http://841028.obes.asia/index.php/philologicalstudies/article/view/392
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