• Dragica Popovska Institute of National History, Skopje Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia
Keywords: symbols, memorial inscriptions, public space, Macedonia, Russia


The paper focuses on the symbolic and memorial inscriptions in the urban space that represent the image of Russia in Republic of Macedonia, and practically show the ways in which the Russian history and culture symbolically are interpreted in the Macedonian public sphere. An analysis of numerous data obtained as a result of my own field research in tangible and intangible manifestations in the specific domain allows to trace their intensity and their ubiquity in the space, and at the same time shows the mutual interweaving, and convergence of the two cultures: Macedonian and Russian.


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How to Cite
Popovska, D. (2019). RUSSIA IN SYMBOLIC – MEMORIAL INSCRIPTIONS IN MACEDONIAN URBAN SPACE. Philological Studies, 14(2), 119-128. Retrieved from
Contemporary Society In Culture, Language, And Literature