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Peer Review Process
Economy, Business and Development (EB&D Journal) follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure scholarly integrity, objectivity, and high-quality research in the fields of economics, business, and development.
1. Submission and Preliminary Assessment
Upon submission through our online system via Open Journal Systems (OJS), each manuscript undergoes an initial preliminary assessment by the Editor-in-Chief. This assessment ensures that the paper is substantial, scholarly, and appropriate in terms of topic, style, and substance for EBD Journal. The preliminary decision is typically made within 7 working days of submission. If necessary, authors may be requested to provide additional information to aid in the assessment.
2. Double-Blind Peer Review
After preliminary approval, the paper is assigned to two independent reviewers who are not part of the Editorial Board. The double-blind review ensures the anonymity of both the authors and reviewers to maintain objectivity and impartiality. In case of conflicting feedback or if there is uncertainty about the quality of the review, additional reviewers may be appointed. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the paper's subject area.
3. Journal's Peer Review Procedure & Independence
The journal's peer review procedure guarantees that reviewers are independent of the authors and not affiliated with the same institution. This ensures that all manuscripts undergo objective and transparent evaluation, safeguarding the scholarly quality of the journal.
4. Timeline and Review Process
The peer review process generally takes 16 weeks. Senior editors are given 2 weeks to suggest appropriate reviewers, followed by a 3-week period for securing reviewer agreements. The paper is then reviewed, and reviewers are expected to submit their reports within this timeframe. The reviewers' feedback is then discussed by the Editorial Board, and the final decision is communicated to the author(s) within the specified deadline.
5. Review Decisions
The editorial decision after review is one of the following:
- Accept with no changes
- Minor revisions required
- Major revisions required
- Reject, but re-submission encouraged
- Reject
6. Revision and Resubmission
If revisions are requested, authors must provide a detailed response to each reviewer's comments and make the necessary changes. After revisions, the paper may be sent back to the original reviewers or new reviewers for further evaluation. Our goal is to ensure that all revisions are addressed before a paper is accepted for publication.
7. Final Acceptance and Publication
Once all issues are resolved through revisions, the paper is officially accepted for publication in the Economy, Business and Development Journal. The accepted papers will be published in the next available issue after final approval.