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Список за проверка на подготвувањето за поднесување

Како дел од процесот на поднесување, авторите треба да проверат дали статиите за поднесување ги исполнува сите следни критериумите бидејќи поднесените статии може да им се вратат на авторите кои не ги почитуваат овие упатства.
  • Поднесената статија не е објавена претходно и не доставена до друго списание за разгледување (или е доставено објаснување во делот за Коментари до уредникот).
  • Датотеката за поднесување е во формат OpenOffice, Microsoft Word или RTF.
  • Наведени се врски во референците, таму каде што се достапни.
  • Текстот е со единечен проред, фонтот е со 12 точки, се користи текст во италик наместо подвлечен текст (освен кај УРЛ-адресите) и сите илустрации, графикони и табели се ставени во рамките на текстот на соодветни места, а не на крајот.
  • Текстот ги исполнува барањата за стил и библиографија што се наведени во Упатствата за авторите.

Упатства за авторите

Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 15 pages in length. They should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, using Arial font.
Although not limited to them, papers submitted for publication in the Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues should include the following components: abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results and findings, conclusion and a list of references.
Papers should be arranged within the following guidelines:

Page setup:
Paper size: A4;
Margins: 3.0 cm on top and bottom, and 2.5 cm on left and right sides;
Indentation: Left: 0, Right: 0, Special: 0;
Alignment: Justified
(bold, 14 pt, all capital letters);

Autobiographical note:
Author’s full name (bold), title, affiliation and e-mail address;
Font size: 12 pt.

Up to 250 words, describing the research objectives and conclusions (italic, 10 pt);
Up to five keywords (italic, 10 pt);
Up to 6 JEL classification codes (italic, 10 pt). The available JEL codes may be accessed at: http://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php

Headings must be clearly defined;
Two empty lines before headings and one empty line after;
Headings: bold, Sentence case, 12 pt, aligned left;
Subheadings: italic, Sentence case, 11 pt, aligned left.

Paragraphs in the main text:
Font size: 10 pt;
Style: normal;
Spacing: Before: 0, After: 0;
Line spacing: single;
One line space between paragraphs.

Tables, graphs and diagrams:
Tables must be made in Word or Word compatible format (tables should be transferred into Word format), font size: 9 pt;
Figures, graphs and pictures should be high-quality grayscale graphics;
Tables, graphs etc. should be placed in the text at the appropriate paragraph;
They should not be wider than the margins of the paper;
Each figure, graph or picture should also be sent in a separate file;
Tables, graphs etc. should be appropriately named and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals e.g.: Table 1. Title of table;
Title: above the table, graph etc.; Font 11 pt, centered;
Source: under the table, graph etc.; Font 9 pt.

Formulas should be created using Microsoft Equation Editor.

In-text references:
Any in-text reference should include the author’s surname and the year of the work. For works with more than three authors use First author’s surname et al.
Depending on the nature of the sentence/paragraph, references to sources may be cited in the following manners:

Author (year) or (Author, year)
When a direct quote is used: “Quotation” (Author, year, page number)

Reference list:
JCEBI uses Harvard referencing style. References should be arranged in alphabetic order of authors’ surname and chronologically for multiple works by the same author. References should not be numbered or bulleted. Please follow the following guidelines for referencing:


One author:
Surname, Initials. (year) Book title. Edition – if not the first. City of publication: Publisher.

Two or three authors:
Surname1, Initials.1, Surname2, Initials.2 and Surname3, Initials3. (year) Book title. Edition – if not the first. City of publication: Publisher.

Four or more authors:
Surname, Initials. et al. (year) Book title. Edition – if not the first. City of publication: Publisher.

It is a discretionary right of the authors whether to list all authors all use ‘et al.’

Edited book:
Surname, Initials. (ed.) (year) Book title. Edition – if not the first. City of publication: Publisher.

Chapter in a book:
Surname, Intitial. (year) “Chapter or article title” in Editor’s Surname, Initials. (ed). Book title. Edition – if not the first. City of publication: Publisher. page numbers.

Surname, Initials. (year) Book title. [online] Series title and volume if applicable. Edition – if not the first. City of publication: Publisher. Available at: URL. [Accessed: date]

Journal article

Surname, Initial. (year) “Article Title”. Journal Title, Volume (issue number if applicable). page numbers.

Surname, Initial. (year) “Article Title”. Journal Title. [Online] Name of Database the article is from if appropriate. Volume (issue number if applicable). page numbers. Available at: URL. [Accessed: date]

Forthcoming articles:
Surname, Initial. (forthcoming) “Article Title”. Journal Title. Volume (issue number if applicable).

Conference proceedings

Surname, Initials. (year) “Paper title”, in Surname, Initials. (ed.) Title of published proceedings. Place and date(s) held. Publisher. Place of publication. Page numbers.

Surname, Initials. (year) “Paper title”. Paper presented at Name of Conference, date of conference, place of conference. Available at: URL if freely available on the Internet. [Accessed: date].

Working Papers:
Surname, Initials. (year) “Article title”. Type of working paper (such as institution, working series title) and number. Place of organization. Date.

Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings:
Surname, Initials. (year) “Title”. Paper presented at followed by Meeting name, place, and city where lecture/meeting took place.

Encyclopedia entries (with no author or editor)

Title of encyclopedia (year) “Title of entry”. Volume. Edition. Title of Encyclopedia. Publisher. Place of publication. Pages.

Newspaper/Magazine Articles

A) Authored Articles:
Surname, Initials. (year) “Article title”. Newspaper/Magazine. Month or date. Page number(s).

B) Non-authored Articles:
Nespaper/Magazine (year) “Article title,” Month or date. Page numbers.

Online Newpaper/Magazine Articles
Surname, Initials. (year) “Article title”. Newspaper/Magazine. [online] Name of Database the article is from if appropriate. Day and month of the article. page numbers. Available at: URL. [Accessed: date]

Author of website Surname, Initials. or Website name if no author is available. (year) Title of website. Any numbers if necessary or available if website is part of a series. [Online] Available at: URL. [Accessed: date]

Изјава за приватност

Имињата и адресите на е-пошта што се внесени во локацијата на ова списание ќе се користат само за наведените намени на ова списание и нема да бидат достапни за ниту една друга намена, ниту ќе бидат откриени на други лица.