Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in MS Word.doc or Word.docx file format.
- Where available, URLs or DOIs for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- The text uses 1.5 line space and a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
Author Guidelines
Manuscripts can be submitted in English (Authorial Statement in English) and Macedonian (Link to Author Guidelines in Macedonian and Authorial Statement in Macedonian). Authors whose first language is not English are expected to have the paper proofread by a native English speaker.
Manuscripts should be no more than 30000 characters in length, including abstracts, references, footnotes and tables. Longer manuscripts can be accepted if approved by the editorial board.
Contributions should be prepared in MS Word.doc or Word.docx, standard A4 format, Times New Roman 12-point font size. Use 1.5 spacing between all lines of the manuscript.
Tables and figures can be embedded within the text, but should also be provided in separate files for typesetting in JPEG or PDF format. Use single spacing for their content. Graphs and scanned images should be labelled as “Figures” and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Articles should be submitted online at the journal website and additionally by email to [email protected]. To submit a completed manuscript authors should register with the journal’s website, obtain an account and upload the manuscript. The site will guide authors through a series of menus to accomplish the submission. Authors may check the progress of the reviewing process by logging onto their account. They will be notified by e-mail about the review results.
When submitting the manuscript, the author should include all data in the metadata field. This is important for indexing the paper.
The authors bear the sole responsibility for the content of the contribution. It should contain original work that has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in English or any other language. Authors are expected to provide sources for the cited content and obtain permission to use copyrighted material. The authors reviewers must report potential conflict of interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript.
Structure: The manuscript should have the following components: title page, the main text, references and optionally appendices.
Page format, fonts, spacing: А4, Times New Roman 12-point size, 1.5 spacing.
Margins: Use uniform margins of 1 in. (Normal 2.54 cm) at all sides of every page. Do not justify lines but use the flush-left style leaving the right margin uneven. Do not hyphenate words at the ends of lines.
First line: Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 cm, except the first one below the heading or subheading.
Pagination and Headers/Footers: Do not use them in the manuscript.
TITLE PAGE (article title, author, abstract)
Title of the paper: should be written in bold uppercase letters size 14 and placed centrally in the upper half of the page with single spacing between the lines.
Information about the author(s): contains author’s name, affiliation and email.
The information about the author should be placed in the upper left corner aligned left, below the title. Leave two blank lines between the title and the author’s data. The information about the second (and the third) author should be placed under the information about the first one leaving one blank between the two authors. Use bold uppercase letters size 12 for the name and family name of each author. The author’s affiliation followed by the e-mail should be placed below the author’s name in bold lowercase letters size 11.
Abstract: The abstract, summarizing the main findings of the paper, must be between 150 and 200 words. Use lowercase letter size 11 with single spacing between the lines. If the paper is in Macedonian, the author should supply an abstract in English. Below the abstract provide a list of up to 5 keywords not already included in the title in lowercase, ending the list with a period and using commas between the words. The word Keywords should be in bold separated from the keywords by a colon and a space. Leave one blank line between the two abstracts and three lines between the keywords and the main text.
All parts of the paper including sections, subsections, examples, tables etc should be consecutively numbered without any break.
Headings and subheadings
The text should be organized into sections. The headings and subheadings for section titles in the text should be in lowercase bold letters and numbered with Arabic numerals (1. / 1.1. / 1.1.1.) aligned left. Avoid distinctions beyond three digits. Only the first word of the title/subtitle should be capitalized.
Leave one blank line before and after each heading/subheading. Indent the first line of the paragraphs in each section by 0.5cm. The first line of the first paragraph is unindented. Do not use a blank line between the paragraphs.
Direct quotations must be verbatim (word-for-word). Short quotations with less than 60 words are included directly in the running text with double quotation marks. Single quotation marks are used to mark a quote within a quote. Longer quotes should be presented in a paragraph without quotation marks by setting it apart from the main body of the text, using a smaller font size (point 11). To do that, indent the entire quote on both sides by 0.5 cm. (tab twice), maintaining 1.5 spacing. Leave one blank line before and after the quotation.
Ellipsis is indicated by three periods, with a space before and after. End the quote with a period followed by the source in a parenthesis (Mitchell 2009: 79). If the source immediately precedes the quotation provide the page number from which the quotation was taken (79).
Quotations in other language than the language of the paper should be translated and put in square brackets.
In-text references and cross-referencing
Titles of books, periodicals, newspapers and published materials should be given in italics in the running text.
Bibliographical sources are provided in parentheses: the author’s last name precedes the year of publication (Brown 2015). Indicate page numbers when referring to a part in a certain work and separate the page number by a colon leaving one space after it (Brown 2015: 36). Use a dash between page numbers with no space between it and the number (Rogers and Brown 2007: 50–52). Consecutive reference to the same source but on different pages may be indicated by ibid (ibid, 370).
List sources by different authors in alphabetical order by authors’ last names, separated by semicolons (Cardone 1998; Lai 2002). List works by the same author in chronological order, separated by commas (Lai 2000, 2002). Works published by the same author in the same year are distinguished by a letter next to the year in the same way as the references are alphabetized in the reference list (Jones 2003a, 2003b). Reprinted editions have two years of publications, the original put in square brackets (Dickens 1987[1854]).
Use parentheses to cross-reference a part of the article. References of sections, tables, figures should include the capitalized word followed by a number: (see Section 3.1), (see Table 1), etc.
Examples and listing
In-line examples should be italicized and followed by a translation in single quotes, e.g., The noun вино ‘wine’ is neuter. Examples illustrating the author’s statements should be set off from the text with one blank line from above and below. They are numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses and aligned left. Leave one tab stop between the number and the example in italics, as in (1). Examples in a language other than the language of the paper should be supplied by a translation placed below the example in single quotes. When applicable, provide the source in parenthesis below the example. Several single-spaced examples under the same number are indicated by lower case letters in alphabetical order, separated from the example by one tab stop (2a).
(1) Health is more important than wealth.
‘Здравјето е поважно од парите.’
(Downing and Locke 2006: 409)
(2) a. The key must be in your pocket.
b. The key must be in your pocket.
c. The key must be in your pocket.
Listing items in a series can be performed within the running text by using a number or a small letter in parenthesis: (1) ......, (2) ......., or (a) ......, (b) ......, etc.
Listing can be set off from the main text by one blank line. The numbered list should be indented one-stop blank.
1. .......... or а. ..........
2. .......... or b. ..........
Use footnotes instead of endnotes but refrain from their extensive usage. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals continuously throughout the manuscript. The superscript number follows a comma or a period in the text. Use font size 10 and single spacing in the text of the footnote. Leave one space between the number and the first word of the footnote.
Typeface and Punctuation
Do not use bold, capitals or underline to emphasize a word/phrase/sentence but use italics instead. Italics are also used for in-text examples, foreign language words and book/journal titles.
Use unspaced dashes to indicate pages of a source (24–29), and spaced ones to indicate a pause. Single quotes are used in translations, double are used in direct quotations. Do not use brackets within brackets.
Tables and Figures
All tables and figures (graphs and scanned images) should have bold captions with labels “Table”, “Figure” etc (without quotation marks). The captions should be numbered in the order they are referenced in the text (see Table 1). Leave one space between the label and its number. Use smaller letters font 11 and single-spacing for longer labels. Capitalize the first word of the caption and do not put a period at the end. Place a table caption in directly above the table in the center, and a figure caption below the figure in the center. Use smaller letters (size 11) and single spacing for the table content. Leave two blank lines between the table/figure and the text. If the table exceeds one page it should be included in the Appendix.
Tables and figures can be embedded within the text, but should also be provided in separate files for typesetting in JPEG or PDF format. Graphs and scanned images should be labelled as “Figures” and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Examples of table and figure captions:
Table 1. Frequency distribution of raw scores
Figure 1. Percentage of participants’ replies based on gender differences
The Appendix section is separated from the reference list by one blank line from the last reference in the Bibliography section. It should contain supplementary material cross-referenced in the main text. The heading is given in bold, font size 12 pt and aligned left.
The heading Bibliography should be bolded, font size 12 pt and aligned left. Leave two blank lines between the end of the text and the heading and one blank line between the heading and the first reference.
Only cited works may be included in the reference list. List works alphabetically by the last name of author using font size 11. Generally, an entry should contain the following information: author’s surname and name initials, publication year, book/paper title, the place of publishing, publisher.
Use initials for the first (and middle) name of the author(s) leaving one space before the year of publication. The year is given in brackets followed by a period. The initial of the second (or third, fourth etc) author’s first name should follow the last name. Initials must be spaced. Do not use the abbreviation ‘et al.’ but provide the names of all authors.
References should have a hanging indent. The first line should be flushed against the left margin and the subsequent lines are indented
First list works written in Roman alphabet and then the works in Cyrillic alphabet (if the paper is in English, and vice versa if it is in Macedonian) leaving one blank line between the two parts. Conclude the reference list by providing an alphabetical list of Internet sources separating it from the above by a blank line. Multiple works by the same author or editor are ordered chronologically, but they should alphabetized by a letter (a, b, c) next to the year if they are published in the same year. In entries with multiple authors use commas to separate the names, but ‘and’ for the final author’s name. Works with no author or editor are also listed alphabetically by first letter of the title as in in-text referencing.
Provide the full title of the source in lower case capitalizing the first word only; in journal titles all words are capitalized. Abbreviate the following words in the entry: edition (edn.), editor (ed,) and editors (eds.). Do not abbreviate conference titles and publisher names (e.g., CUP instead of Cambridge University Press).
1. Book (one author)
Surname , Name initial. (Year). Title. Place of publishing: Publisher.
Palmer, F. R. (2001). Mood and modality (2nd edn.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Book (two or more authors)
Surname, Name initial. and Surname, Name initial. (Year). Title. Place of publishing: Publisher.
Bennet, A. and Royle, N. (2016). An introduction to literature, criticism and theory (5th edn.). New York: Routledge.
3. Book (one editor)
Surname, Name initial. (ed.) (Year). Title. Place of publishing: Publisher.
Auer, P. (ed.). (2007). Style and social identities: Alternative approaches to linguistic heterogeneity. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
4. Book (two or more editors)
Surname, Name initial. and Surname, Name initial. (eds.) (Year). Title. Place of publishing: Publisher.
Schiffrin, D., Tannen, D. and Hamilton, H. E. (eds.). (2004). The handbook of discourse analysis. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
5. E-book
Surname, Name initial. (Year). Title. [Online] Available from: internet address of the website [Accessed: date]
Speed, H. (2004). The practice and science of drawing. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: May 5th, 2009]
6. Book chapter or article in a volume
Surname, Name initial. (Year). Title of the paper/chapter. In Name initial. Surname, Name initial. Surname and Name initial. Surname (eds.). Book Title, pages. Place of publishing: Publisher.
Friedman, V. А. (1999). Macedonian historiography, language, and identity in the context of the Yugoslav wars of succession. In C. Kramer and B. Cook (еds.). Guard the word well bound: Proceedings of the third North American-Macedonian Conference on Macedonian Studies, (Indiana Slavic Studies 10), 71–86. Bloomington, IN: Slavica.
7. Article in a scholarly journal
Surname , Name initial. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Title, issue: pages.
Pladevall, B. E. (2010). Child L2 development of syntactic and discourse properties of Spanish subjects. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13 (1): 185–216.
8. Article in a scholarly e- journal
Surname, Name initial. (Year). Title. [Online] Journal Title, issue: pages. Available from: internet address of the website [Accessed: date]
Rowland, T. A. (2015). Feminism from the Perspective of Catholicism. [Online] Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics, 5 (1): 34-55. Available from: [Accessed: December 12th, 2015]
9. Newspaper article (printed)
Surname , Name initial. (Year). Title. Newspaper Title, Day and month, Page reference.
Mendelsohn, D. (2010). But Enough about Me. New Yorker, 25 January, p.3.
10. Online newspaper article
Surname , Name initial. (Year). Title. Newspaper Title, [Online], Day and month, Available from: website address [Accessed: date]
Redmond, P. (2019). Yes to culture. But the whole nation needs a boost, not just our cities. The Guardian [Online], 5 January. Available from: [Accessed:January 5th, 2019]
11. MA thesis
Surname , Name initial. (Year). Title. MA thesis. Academic Institution, City.
Clerk, S. A. (2000). Participant Reference in Narrative Discourse: a comparison of three methodologies. MA thesis. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
12. Dissertation
Surname , Name initial. (Year). Title. PhD dissertation. Academic Institution, City.
Kim, Y. (1990). Register variation in Korean: A corpus-based study. PhD Dissertation. University of South Carolina, Columbia.
13. Conference paper
Surname , Name initial. (Year of presentation). Title. Paper presented at Conference Title. Date, place, state.
Wiemer, B. (2014). On the markedness of (non)factive clausal complements and its relation to hierarchies of semantic groups of CTPs. Paper presented at 36 Jahrestagung der DGfS, workshop on Clausal complementation and (non)factivity, March 5–7th, 2014, Marburg, Germany.
14. Dictionary
Name initial. Surname, Name initial. and Surname, (eds.). Title. Place of publishing: Publisher.
Hill, J. and Lewis, M. (eds.) (1997). LTP dictionary of selected collocations. Hove: Language Teaching Publications.
15. Internet web-site
Name. Title. Web-site address
Google. Google Privacy Policy.
16. Movie
Title of the movie. (Year). Directed by Name and Surname. [fomat DVD, VHS, or Blue-ray] Country: Distributor.
Requiem for a Dream. (2000). Directed by Daren Aronofsky. [DVD] UK: Momentum Pictures.
In the Bibliography, the titles of works in languages that do not use the Roman alphabet should be transliterated in Roman alphabet in the following order: please first provide the original characters of the bibliographical entry, then transliteration in square brackets. Alphabetize according to the rules of the language in which the original bibliographical entry is written.
Ѓорѓиева Димова, М. (2017). Теоријата на книжевноста во (интер)акција. Скопје: Македоника литера. [Ǵorǵieva Dimova, M. (2017). Teorijata na kniževnosta vo (inter)akcija. Skopje: Makedonika litera.]
Лозановски, З. (2021). Бегалците и забеганите. Слободен печат [Интернет], 23 август. Достапно на: [Пристапено на: 29 август 2021] [Lozanovski, Z. (2021). Begalcite i zabeganite. Sloboden pečat [Online], August 23rd. Available from: [Accessed: August 29th , 2021.]
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Copyright © 2014 Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Skopje
Journal of Contemporary Philology (JCP)
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