• Matej Šekli University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


In the article the word formation of Proto-Slavic verb is discussed from comparative-linguistic prospective. Word-formationally motivated verbal classes with typical infinitve suffixes (PSl. *-nǫ-, *-ě 1/’a-, *-i-, *-a-, *-ov/’ev-a-) are compared with their parallels in other (ancient) Indo-European languages. On the basis of this external comparison the word-formational patterns of Proto-Slavic verb are grouped, according to their geographical distribution within Indo-European branches, in terms of relative chronology (Late-Proto-Indo-European, NonCommon-Indo-European, Proto-Balto-Slavic, Proto-Slavic).


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How to Cite
Šekli, M. (2019). BESEDOTVORJE PRASLOVANSKEGA GLAGOLA V PRIMERJALNOJEZIKOSLOVNI LUČI. Philological Studies, 9(1), 129-147. Retrieved from
History and Philology