(na primjeru romana Evalda Flisara Potovanje predaleč i Tao ljubezni Andreja Blatnika

  • Ivana Latković University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Slovene travelogue novel, textual practices, travel practices, modes of representation, travel subject, E. Flisar Potovanje predaleč, A. Blatnik Tao ljubezni


Through an analysis of the novel Flisar’s novel Potovanje predaleč and Blatnik’s novel Tao ljubezni in this paper are represented textual and travel practices in contemporary Slovene travelogue novel. This analysis includes the postmodern modes of representation and deals with representational regimes as a problematic object of knowledge with uncertain ontological status and epistemological values.


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How to Cite
Latković, I. (2019). TEKSTUALNE I PUTNIČKE PRAKSE U SUVREMENOM SLOVENSKOM PUTOPISNOM ROMANU. Philological Studies, 13(1), 315-322. Retrieved from http://841028.obes.asia/index.php/philologicalstudies/article/view/396
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