of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, JAFES2024-10-14T20:13:11+02:00Editors of JAFES[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><em><strong>Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences</strong></em> <strong>(JAFES) </strong>is an international peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published twice a year. JAFES publishes original research papers focused on all aspects of agriculture, food and environmental sciences, such as: plant production, plant protection, genetics, breeding, genetic resources, biotechnology, animal production, water management, soil sciences, agricultural economics, rural development, information technology in agriculture, food technology, food processing, food quality and safety and so on. </p> PRUNING SYSTEM AS A FACTOR FOR THE QUALITY OF THE GRAPES FROM THE VRANEC VARIETY2024-10-02T20:20:14+02:00Zlatko Prculovski[email protected]Riste Gjorgiev[email protected]Mihail Petkov[email protected]Sami Kryeziu[email protected]Krum Boskov[email protected]<p>Vranec variety is the most important and most represented variety for production of red wines in Republic of Macedonia. It provides raw material for production of quality and excellent red wines. Today, it is present in all warm vineyards, and on smaller areas it is represented in the rest of vineyards. In our research, the impact of the system of pruning on the yield and quality of grapes of this variety in the conditions of Tikvesh winegrowing region was studied. Three variants of pruning were applied: Guyot - Poussard pruning, double Guyot and cordon pruning. The highest yield of 4.368 g/vine and the highest average grape mass of 312 g was obtained by cordon pruning. </p> <p>The lowest yield of 3.709 g/vine was obtained by Guyot - Poussard pruning, while the double Guyot pruning system obtained the lowest average mass of grapes (214,2 g) but this system shows fruity shoots per vine and the largest number of bunches per vine. The theoretical randman ranges from 71.47 % (double Guyot) to 80.0 % (cordon pruning). The sugar content at the time of harvest ranges from 21.0 g/l (cordon pruning) to 22.8 g/l (Guyot - Poussard), while the total acid content is in range of 4.13 g/l (Guyot - Poussard) up to 4.7 g/l (cordon pruning). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the pruning system has a significant impact on the qualitative and quantitative properties of the grapes from Vranec variety.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOOTPRINT AND EMISSION REDUCTION STRATEGIES IN MILK PROCESSING PLANTS: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DAIRY PRODUCTION SYSTEMS2024-10-02T19:16:19+02:00Dushica Santa[email protected]Sonja Srbinovska[email protected]Vladimir Dzabirski[email protected]<p>Fluid milk production and processing have a significant impact on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, posing risks to global climate stability. This study aimed to quantify the carbon footprint and identify major sources of GHG emissions in three milk processing plants and exploring strategies for emission reduction. The selected plants, referred to as MP1, MP2, and MP3, represented different capacities. Data collection involved visits and surveys at the dairies, gathering information on energy consumption and fuel usage. Emissions were categorized into three scopes: Scope 1 (direct emissions), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased electricity), and Scope 3 (optional emissions beyond the company's control). Direct CO<sub>2</sub>e emissions per unit of processed milk were 83.91, 96.12, and 115.71 kg CO<sub>2</sub>e /t for MP1, MP2, and MP3, respectively. Emission reduction strategies were proposed, including substituting energy sources with lower GHG potential, replacing refrigerants with lower global warming potentials, improving energy efficiency, and optimizing raw milk procurement and product distribution. It is recommended that milk processing plants establish reduction targets for GHG emissions, focusing on overall emissions and emissions per unit of final product. According to this study, milk processing sectors need to assess and reduce their carbon footprints. Putting emission reduction measures into practice can make dairy production more climate-smart, ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of milk production.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) YOUTH EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN AGRIBUSINESS: A CASE STUDY FROM THE PELAGONIA REGION2024-10-02T19:21:28+02:00Marina Nacka[email protected]Riste Elenov[email protected]Ivana Janeska - Stamenkovska[email protected]<p>The agri-food sector in the Pelagonia region of North Macedonia, despite its importance to the local economy, struggles to attract young people to employment opportunities. This study surveyed 15 companies of different sizes and an academic institution to understand the skills and competencies employers need and to explore the factors behind youth unemployment in this sector. The findings point to a mismatch between the skills taught in formal education and those demanded by the industry, as well as certain gender disparities in job opportunities in agri-food sector. Employers emphasized the need for both soft skills, such as teamwork and flexibility, and hard skills, including practical agricultural expertise. A major barrier identified is the gap between formal education and the practical needs of the workplace, along with a lack of motivation and awareness among youth about the potential careers in the agri-business sector. The study recommends enhanced collaboration between academia and industry, increased internship opportunities, and efforts to make the agri-food sector more appealing to young people. By addressing these issues could help build a more skilled and inclusive workforce, supporting the sustainable growth of Pelagonia region's agri-food sector.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) FREQUENTLY DETERMINED CARRIAGES OF INFECTIOUS AGENTS DURING HEALTH - HYGIENE EXAMINATION OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN FOOD PRODUCTION AND TRADE2024-10-04T14:33:34+02:00Aleksandra Silovska Nikolova[email protected]Metodija Trajchev[email protected]Zlatko Pejkovski[email protected]<p> Food safety is one of the key factors for consumer health. Therefore, a lot of attention has been paid in the last few decades to the identification of biological hazards in food. They represent a very serious danger to the health and safety of consumers. The health status of food handlers is a very significant factor for food safety. For those reasons, it is necessary that they regularly perform the prescribed health-hygiene examinations in order to prevent the secondary contamination of food, thereby preventing the development of food-borne diseases. During the research period 2011-2020, it was established that 11,347 people did not have a health-hygiene examination during the inspections carried out by the Food and Veterinary Agency in the Republic of North Macedonia.The largest number of persons who did not perform a health-hygiene examination was observed in 2012, i.e. 2276 persons, compared to 2016, when the lowest number of persons (596) who did not perform a health-hygiene examination was ascertained. For the analyzed period, the competent authority removed from work a total of 3170 food handlers due to carriages of infectious agents. In 2012, the largest number of removed persons was recorded (808), compared to 2018 when only 80 persons were removed due to carriage. Regular health-hygiene examinations for employees who are in contact with food allows timely detection of asymptomatic carriers of bacteria and parasites, which will reduce and prevent the development of food-borne diseases.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) MICROBIOLOGICAL ISOLATES IN MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS WHEN TAKING SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS BY FOOD OPERATORS AND OFFICIAL VETERINARIANS IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA FOR THE PERIOD FROM 2016 TO 20202024-10-04T14:34:00+02:00Aleksandra Silovska Nikolova[email protected]Metodija Trajchev[email protected]Zlatko Pejkovski[email protected]<p>Meat and meat processing industry make great efforts on a daily basis to improve technological processes and hygienic conditions. Competent institutions take appropriate measures to prevent placing of unsafe product on the market. However, we witness a daily global increase in the number of people suffering from foodborne diseases. For the period 2016-2020, the Food and Veterinary Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia received a total of 686 reports from laboratories about the detected presence of an isolate (positive finding) from samples taken by official veterinarians, food operators, and consumers. Isolates (positive findings) in meat and meat products were detected in 288 or 41.98% of the total analyzed samples. Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. are the most frequent potential pathogens. For the five-year analyzed period, the presence of an isolate of Salmonella spp. was determined in 164 samples of meat and meat products. The bacterium Essherichia coli is the second most frequently detected bacterium in meat and meat product samples, after Salmonella spp., with a total of 48 samples with a positive finding for the analyzed period. The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes was detected in 39 samples of meat and meat products. An isolate of Campylobacter spp. was determined in a total of 28 samples of meat and meat products. By the Food and Veterinary Agency according to the annual food safety monitoring program were aimed at preventing the development of foodborne diseases.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) AND SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF VITAMIN C CONTENT IN FIVE CITRUS FRUITS IN BENIN CITY, NIGERIA2024-10-02T19:31:18+02:00Oluwaseyi Bukky Ovonramwen[email protected]Ruth Osayamen Imuentiyan[email protected]<p>Vitamins C are organic compounds which have to be obtained from the diet because of the inability to synthesise them. Vitamin C is a common household name. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is known for the role it plays in many physiological processes in humans. The present research determines vitamin C contents in five citrus fruits namely tangerine (<em>C. </em><em>reticulata</em>), grape fruit (<em>C</em><em>. paradisi</em>), orange (<em>C. s</em><em>inensis</em>), lemon (<em>C. </em><em>limon), </em>lime (<em>C</em>. <em>aurantiifolia). </em>The fruits were purchased from the New Benin market in Benin City, Nigeria. Vitamin C content of fresh fruit juices was determined by iodo-titrimetric (KI and KIO<sub>3</sub>) and spectrophotometric methods (potassium permanganate as a chromogenic reagent at 521 nm absorbance). The results obtained by spectrophotometric method lime had the highest vitamin C concentration (29.27 mg/100 mL) and the lowest found in lemon (13.94 mg/100 mL) as lime ˃ tangerine ˃ sweet orange ˃ grapefruit ˃ lemon. In titrimetric method sweet orange had the highest vitamin C content (49.06 mg/100 mL) and the lowest vitamin C content was found in lemon (27.46 mg/100 mL), in this order sweet orange ˃ lime ˃ tangerine ≈ grapefruit ˃ lemon. Therefore, adequate intake of these citrus fruits help in the maintenance of overall health and wellness.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) ANALYSIS OF LAMB GROWTH AS A RESULT OF DIFFERENT NUTRITION METHODS IN A SEMI-INTENSIVE BREEDING SYSTEM2024-10-02T20:20:15+02:00Bratislav Pešić[email protected]Nikola Stolić[email protected]Nebojša Zlatković[email protected]<p>The paper examines the impact of nutrition and breeding methods on lamb growth in the first 60 days after lambing. Two groups of lambs of the same age have been examined. The first group of 20 lambs spent 6 hours with their mothers, suckling at will, and they spent 18 hours alone in a cubicle where they were served food: concentrated food and dried and crushed alfalfa. The second group of 20 lambs spent 18 hours with their mothers, suckling at will, while the rest of the day they spent alone in a cubicle where they were also served food: concentrated food and dried and crushed alfalfa. At the beginning of the experiment, the average weight of lambs at birth did not present statistical significance and it was 3.6 kg. During the experiment, depending on the method of breeding and meal composition, the difference in daily increments was not statistically significant during the initial 20 days. However, in the period to follow, in the second half of the experiment, the difference in lamb growth was statistically significant, whereby in group II one could observe larger increments of 205 g during the second measurement, i.e. 359 g during the final measurement. The obtained results have been presented in a table form by calculating the mean value and standard error, and then the variable of quantitative traits was established by resorting to the standard t-test. The lambs which consumed milk at will in the first thirty days showed a significant difference at the level p < 0.01, while the lambs in group II in the second half of the experiment showed a statistically significant difference at the level p < 0.05 when it comes to daily and total increments. </p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SOME QUALITY PARAMETERS OF TOMATO SEEDLINGS GROWN IN DIFFERENT SUBSTRATES2024-10-02T20:07:24+02:00Vedat Pirinç[email protected]Erhan Akalp[email protected]<p>This study was carried out to determinate the some quality of tomato (Falcon standart variety and Lice genotype) seedlings grown in different substrates during spring season of 2021 year. In the study, the seeds of tomato were sown in 350 cc capacity drained pet glasses filled with different mortar substrates in greenhouse of the Horticulture Department of the Faculty of Agriculture of Dicle University. As growing substrates of mortar used in the study; Soil (Control), Soil + Perlite (3/1 ratio), Soil + Water Retaining Polymer (3/1 ratio), Soil + Perlite (3/1 ratio), Soil + Vermiculite (3/1 ratio) and Peat + Perlite (3/1 ratio) were prepared as mortar materials. The parameters taken in all seedlings that have reached the thickness of a pencil and have removed their third-fourth true leaves were as follows; root length and diameter, plant height, stem weight, root weight, leaf weight, stem weight only, leaf area index, l*, a* and b* values, dry root, leaf and branch weights were measured. In the study, it was found that different mortar materials were effective on the parameters taken in tomato seedlings (p < 0.01). As a result of the measurements and observations, the best results were taken in Lice genotype respectively; peat + perlite > soil + polymer > soil + vermiculite > soil + perlite > soil. Seedlings of Falcon variety were obtained in the order of peat + perlite > soil + perlite; similar results were obtained in other mortar. The results obtained at the end of the study, it was determined that the use of peat perlite mixture mortar material or soil and water-holding polymers instead of only soil contributed to the development of seedlings.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) EDIBLE HERBS CONSUMED AS VEGETABLES AROUND DIYARBAKIR - AKBANDIR PLANT2024-10-02T20:16:13+02:00Vedat Pirinç[email protected]Erhan Akalp[email protected]<p>This research was conducted to determine some wild plants consumed as vegetables in Diyarbakir and its close region (Siverek-Karacadağ) and to survey the consumption patterns of these weeds like Akbandır by the local people. Our survey and field studies have began in the spring period (April-May). <em>Gundelia tournefortii</em> L. (Kenger), <em>Ornithogalum narbonense</em> L. (Akbandır), <em>Mentha pulegium</em> L. (Yarpuz), <em>Malva neglecta</em> (Millbelly), <em>Portulaca oleracea subsp. oleracea</em> (Purslane), <em>Nasturtium officinale</em> R. Br. (Sugar), <em>Capsella bursa-pastoris</em> (L.) Medik. (Shepherd's purse), <em>Anchusa azurea</em> Miller (Guriz-Cow), <em>Rheum ribes</em> L. (Light, ışgın) and these plants It has been determined that these plants used for various purposes (food stuffing, salad, frozen winter vegetables). In addition to this research, a survey was conducted on the Akbandır plant with the people working in the collection of this plant in Diyarbakır city center, its districts and its immediate around (Siverek, Karacadağ). It was determined that 100% of Akbandır collectors who participated in the survey did not cultivate these plants, but collected the ones that exist spontaneously in nature. It was observed that 75% of the respondents stated that these plants are gradually decreasing in nature, and 100% of the respondents answered local markets when asked where do you sell these products. With this study, it was tried to create awareness in terms of the importance of other weeds, especially the Akbandır plant, which is consumed as a vegetable in Diyarbakır and its arounds. With the cultivation of these plants, which may face extinction in the future, it is aimed to maintain their contribution to human health and to increase the income of the families who collect these plants, which have economic returns.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) OF GREY MOLD DISEASE ON TOMATO WITH NOVEL BIOFUNGICIDES2024-10-04T18:06:29+02:00Rade Rusevski[email protected]Biljana Kuzmanovska[email protected]Katerina Bandjo Oreshkovikj[email protected]<p>Grey mold disease on tomato (<em>Botrytis cinerea</em>) is widespread economically important disease all over the world with a very wide host range. This disease used to be controlled with regular fungicide applications, but in recent years, more ecological friendly methods are developed. One of them is development and use of new biofungicides, based on various beneficial organisms. The main goal of the experiments was to study the possibility for biological control of grey mold disease in tomato with the use of the innovative biofungicides Vintec (a.i. <em>Trichoderma atroviride</em> strain SC1) and Serenade Aso (a.i. <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> strain QST 713). Experiments were conducted during 2019 in the region of Bogdanci and the region of Dojran, on tomato hybrids grown in greenhouses. In the untreated variant in Dojran region, the disease severity index on leaves reached very high destructive level of 41.33%, while the disease incidence on the fruits was even higher (46.66%), and in Bogdanci region, a destructive level of 36% dead tomato plants caused by stem rotting was observed. In this disease conditions, both of the tested biofungicides in the region of Dojran showed similar results, with reduction of the disease incidence in fruits higher than 90% (92.86% for Vintec and 90.01% for Serenade Aso). In the region of Bogdanci, the biofungicide Serenade Aso provided significantly lower degree of incidence reduction of stem rotting (81.66%), compared with the biofungicide Vintec, which provided a full protection of 100%, difference which may be related to some beneficial organisms’ preferences that should be investigated in the future.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 POX VIRUS PRESENCE IN AUTOCHTHONOUS STONE FRUIT COLLECTION2024-10-04T18:11:30+02:00Biljana Lolić[email protected]Predrag Ilić[email protected]Stefani Tepić[email protected]<p>Plum pox virus (PPV), also called Sharka belongs to Potyvirus genus, is the most devastating viral disease of stone fruit worldwide. Long distance spread is the result of moving infected nursery stock or propagative material, so grafts and budwood are also ways of moving infected material. Short distance spread is through aphid carriers. During 2024, a survey was performed to detect the presence of <em>Plum pox virus </em>(PPV) in stone fruits collection orchards in Aleksandrovac and at the site of Botanical Garden of the University of Banjaluka. In June, leaves plant tissues were collected and analyzed serologically by DAS-ELISA method with commercial antisera according to recommended protocol (Bioreba, Switzerland). A total of 38 accessions were analyzed where every sample include at least 2 trees. Plum, cherry, sour cherry, apricot and peach samples were collected, but all positive samples were from different accessions of plum trees. In total, 16 (42%) of symptom and symptomless plum accessions resulted as positive. The aim of this study was to observe the presence of Plum pox virus for further propagation and recovery procedures of autochthonous accessions of different stone fruits that exist in the collection of the Institute of Genetic Resources.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) PRESENCE OF BACTERIAL LEAF SPOT CAUSED BY XANTHOMONAS ARBORICOLA PV. PRUNI IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA2024-10-04T18:21:49+02:00Biljana Lolić[email protected]Stefani Tepić[email protected]Mirela Kajkut Zeljković[email protected]<p><em>Xanthomonas arboricola</em> pv. <em>pruni</em> (<em>Xap</em>), the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot disease of stone fruit, cause disease of stone fruits and almond worldwide. <em>Xanthomonas arboricola </em>pv. <em>pruni </em>(<em>Xap</em>) is regulated as quarantine pathogen in the European Union and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO, A2 list). The bacterium can be latent and can be transmitted by plant material, and visual inspections are used for monitoring plants in orchards and nurseries. Monitoring was continuously conducted in period 2021-2023 in commercial orchards and registered nurseries on the territory of the Republic of Srpska. Leaves, twigs and branches of hosts (peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, cherry and sour cherry) were inspected and samples were taken for laboratory analysis. Detection and identification were done according to EPPO diagnostic protocols PM 7/64(1) and PM 7/100 (1), with slight modifications. As a reference material it was used freeze dried bacteria CFBP 2535 (producer CIRM, France). Out of 321 analyzed samples, 21 samples (plum, cherry, peach and apricot) confirmed as positive. Further studies on <em>Xanthomonas arboricola </em>pvs. are planned to be conducted in the following period.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS BETWEEN CLONES AND TRADITIONAL VARIETY OF CARDINAL TABLE GRAPE2024-10-14T20:13:11+02:00Sami Kryeziu[email protected]Krum Boskov[email protected]Zlatko Prculovski[email protected]Muhamet Zogaj[email protected]<p>The aim of the research was to determine the technological potential of the clones of the Cardinal variety. The trial included clones VCR 26 and clone 80 of the Cardinal variety which were compared with the standard traditional variants. The experiment was set up in the Tikvesh vineyard - locality Kavadarci on production plantations of the company GD Tikvesh – Kavadarci in Republic of North Macedonia. The experimental plot were established in 2002 on SO4 rootstock by applying a simple double guyot pruning. Regular agro-technical measures applied during the vegetation. The research focused on perceiving the results of: identification of clones, technological characteristics such as sugar, acid content and organoleptic assessment of grape. By applying the ampelographic key and the CODE system of OIV, the connection of the clones with the standard of the variety was ascertained: The clones VCR 26, were characterized by the largest amount of packaged grapes. The quality expressed through organoleptic assessment, which the best quality were seen in clone VCR 26 of variety Cardinal. Based on the obtained results, as the most favourable clone for cultivation in conditions of Kavadarci vineyard, were seen clone VCR 26, compared to clone 80 and traditional Cardinal variety. </p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) MICROBIAL DIVERSITY IN TRADITIONAL CHEESES FROM NORTH MACEDONIA: INSIGHTS FROM EXISTING STUDIES2024-10-14T20:11:10+02:00Dushica Santa[email protected]Natalija Atanasova-Pancevska[email protected]Sonja Srbinovska[email protected]<p>Study examines the diversity and role of microorganisms in cheeses based on existing studies, with a particular focus on traditional Macedonian cheeses. Kashkaval, white brined cheese and beaten cheese are the most common cheeses produced by small farms and farmhouses in North Macedonia. These cheeses are distinguished by their unique production methods, which result in different physical, chemical, and microbiological profiles. A variety of microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds, play an important role in the ripening process, affecting the process of proteolysis, texture, and volatile compounds. In particular<em>, Lactobacillus</em> species such as <em>Lb. plantarum</em> and <em>Lb. acidophilus</em> are prevalent at different stages of cheese ripening. The cheeses are traditionally made from raw milk without commercial starter cultures, relying on indigenous lactic acid bacteria. Despite challenges related to milk quality and safety, local food initiatives remain crucial for the sustainability of the dairy subsector in North Macedonia. The study recommends strengthening cooperation among stakeholders, promoting traditional products, establishing support mechanisms, and implementing educational programs to improve milk quality and safety. Further research is needed to ensure microbial diversity preservation in traditional cheeses that should investigate artisanal cheeses in North Macedonia using genomic and metabolomic methods to gain insights into their microbiological and chemical properties. Collaborative efforts are essential to support local dairy producers and implement strategies to improve the dairy sector in North Macedonia. This will contribute to the protection of traditional cheeses and their microbial biodiversity.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c)